Installation NOTES for warp()
- 1. click here and enter password you
want to have ...
recommended 2-11 characters
(See allowed characters in password)
- 2. write output carefully
- 3. insert script to your page using external file :
<SCRIPT Language="Javascript"
- 4. CHANGE the condition if ( OutString == "number" )
Only this one line have to be change to work with your password.
!!! I recommed any other additional changes in the script for
experienced users only !!!
- 5. make a link to function warp()
<A HREF="javascript:warp()">LINK
To Secret Page</A>
for compatibility with version 3.0 browsers use this instead :
<A HREF="#null" Onclick="warp()">LINK
To Secret Page</A>
- 6. create a new page named as you get in step 2. (nullSOMETHING.htm)
If your server does not support case sensitive filename, look in FAQ.
- 7. create page null.htm for unauthorized access